◎影片剧情: Lisa (played by Claudia Roach), a young and beautiful wife, is married to a much older husband who cannot satisfy her sexually or in any other way. Tired of her daily life, she eventually betrayed her husband and slept with another elderly man. She was still dissatisfied and eventually hooked up with an earl (played by Enzo Fischera), a wealthy scoundrel who introduced her to a young stallion, Marco (played by Mario Coutini), his wife Carmen (played by Gia Laurie Filci), and their lesbian playmate (played by Angel Goren). At this party, she was taken away by the young man, while others looked at the experience as if it was deceiving her. Her curiosity about this young man deepened, and she decided to want to see him again. However, it turns out that this guy is a bit like a thug and not as gentle as she imagined.